Shapes for natural major scales (guitar and piano)

We have already taught the basic concept about scales and we showed the shape of the natural major scale and the natural minor scale. In this topic, we will start showing (in order to open your mind) other forms of shapes for the major scale on the acoustic/electric guitar.

It is important to observe how, in these instruments, the same scale can have different formats (shapes). Next, we’ll talk about scales on the keyboard/piano.

See some of the most common shapes for the C major scale on the guitar below:

C major guitar scale starting from the 5th string

c major scale guitar

Another variation starting from the 5th string:

c major scale guitar from 5th string

Starting from the 6th string:

6th string

Another variation starting from the 6th string:

c major scale guitar 6th string alternative

Natural major scales on Piano

On the keyboard/piano, knowing the location of the notes, just play each scale according to the table below:

scales notes piano

Keyboard players tend to follow certain fingering patterns to facilitate the performance of scales. This fingering pattern allows greater agility and precision at the time of execution. We have organized a table with the most used fingering patterns for each scale below:

fingering notes piano

fingering scales piano

Note: parentheses mean another very common option.

These fingering patterns in general can be used in both major and minor scales.

Also check the table of the natural minor scales of all 12 notes:

natural minor scales

Check also this article: Piano notes

Go to: Degrees and music intervals

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